What would happen if those elements or objects that make up our story could travel around the world for everyone to hear (or in this case, see)? IS Creative Studio decided to create a typography whose priorities were based on bringing together in one place aspects of Peruvian culture and others of a typography used worldwide, such as the already famous "Helvetica".
HelveChicha, a typeface that can travel 2 This gave rise to the studio originally from Lima, Peru, to create a typeface whose style is based on one of Real Estate Photo Editing the Peruvian chichas and the international character of Helvetica (originally from Switzerland). The shape and outline of a graphic tradition that has survived so many years in the markets and streets of Peru inspired its creators to create this typographic interpretation,
Which also functions as a tribute to the work of thousands of artists who survive in the face of technology. . Helvechicha is a tribute to these brush artists with this typeface, created on the basis of one of the most recognized and adored typefaces, Helvetica. HelveChicha, a typeface that can travel HelveChicha Bold will be available very soon in an OpenType version for Mac and PC, meanwhile you can learn more about IS Creative Studio's work on its official website .