Enormous impact of alcohol not only on health, but also on economic and social aspects. Inesem business school course in neuropsychological rehabilitation and cognitive stimulation more information does it affect everyone equally? Of course not! The magnitude of brain damage caused by alcohol consumption depends on different factors, such as the physiological characteristics of the individual, the pattern of consumption... And the educational level.
As demonstrated in this article published by a spanish research group in addiction biology, one of the most prestigious journals in the world in terms of substances of abuse, educational level plays a protective role against cognitive impairment caused by the consumption of drugs. Alcohol. Studying, reading and, ultimately, having an active mind can help us a lot to avoid problems related to mental decline. In short, although there is no clear scientific evidence e commerce photo editing service regarding the effects of very moderate consumption on the brain, it is fully demonstrated that continued alcohol consumption causes obvious brain damage. The characteristics of said damage will depend on multiple
factors (consumption pattern, physiological conditions of the individual...). Finally, it is important to remember that cognitive abilities can be trained and cared for, not only through eating habits but also through different educational activities such as learning a language , playing an instrument or playing chess. Now you know a little more about the effects of alcohol. If you drink, always drink in moderation. And keep your mind active!the benefits of breastfeeding are numerous . However, this topic, like some aspects of pregnancy , is often controversial. According to the world health organization , for optimal growth, development, and health, infants should be exclusively breastfed for the