If you work from home, you may not have a colleague nearby, so take regular breaks, such as taking an hourly walk to the kitchen to drink water or taking Jewelry Retouching Service a walk outside to feel the breeze. Please take it. To get you out of work. You can also take regular breaks to refresh, relax and be productive all day long.
11. Do you have a fixed schedule for when and how your colleagues can contact you?
For telecommuting, make a fixed schedule, such as when and when to start work, when you can hold discussions and meetings. Always make sure your colleagues know your working hours as well. This can help you plan your project and get in touch if needed.
Remote work does not mean that you are alone, but practices sharing or communicating with your team the difficulties you face or face in your project. This saves valuable time and effort. Always share your experience with the projects you have worked on so that everyone knows what you are working on. People will certainly work on solutions to overcome those problems.